Free Places Available: Self-Compassion at Work Programme

8 Jun, 2020

The Public Sector Self-Compassion at Work Programme provides a full grounding in the theory and practice of the approach.  

It takes place over four weeks and  can be fitted around your busy working life.  The programme consists of:

  • Four online training webinars
    (less than one hour each) that you can access at any time to suit your own personal internet-connected device
  • Supportive programme documents
    including a reflective daily diary, a weekly short key task, an action plan, podcasts and full instructions.

In a randomised controlled trial, participants showed significant improvements in their self-compassion, mental wellbeing, stress and burnout levels as a direct result of their attendance on this programme.

If you would like to take part in the Public Sector Self-Compassion at Work Programme, please follow this link: and use the Discount Code: CHEPOL at the Checkout to receive immediate and automatic access to the programme

A one-off webinar – Self-Compassion in Daily Life – is also now available as an introduction to the approach and support for people during the pandemic situation. 

This free resource is available directly here:

The 37 minute webinar allows 5000 participants to register so this should still have availability over the coming few weeks depending on uptake.