To coincide with the start of Mental Health Awareness Week on 18th May 2020, Russell Treasure will returning to discuss and demonstrate Wellbeing through Mindfulness and how to use it to learn to relax, deal with physical and emotional pain, sleep well and make better decisions from a more relaxed mental state.
The PCC has kindly provided funding for a further 10 sessions of Mindfulness for the Constabulary which will take place over a 10 week period.
Russell has previously worked with Cheshire Constabulary, Rugby Super League teams, Local Councils, schools, prisons, and charities and private sector organisations throughout the North-West of England, in the delivery of Mindfulness with proven results in lowering stress, increasing productivity and enhancing wellbeing.
The sessions will take place on Monday evenings from 18.30hrs – 19.30hrs commencing on Monday 18th May 2020 over a 10 week period.
If you are an officer or staff at Cheshire Police and wish to join these sessions please contact Dan Lever for access at