Our Autumn edition of CheshireBeat magazine is out now and you can read it here In this edition we have a talk to our...
Jamie Thompson
Cheshire Police Federation launch inaugural Bravery Awards
Celebrating the Best of Best... coming in 2025, the first ever Cheshire Police Federation Bravery Awards! A new Awards...
CheshireBeat #57 Autumn 2023
Our Autumn edition of CheshireBeat magazine is out now and you can read it here In this edition we have a feature on...
New family law providers to work with Cheshire Police Federation
Local Family Law Solicitors to offer exclusive discounted rates to Federation membersLund BennettLaw are a specialist...
Police Mutual – Financial Resilience – Free Webinar
Financial Resilience is the ability to withstand life shock events that impact your income. It has never been more...
Response to Police Pay award
Response to Police Pay Award The police pay rise does not go far enough to repair the damage to police pay done over...
Conference Special May 2022
Police officers were disappointed by the “warm words” and lack of substance from the Home Secretary at this year’s...
Police officers are £1,000s worse off than they were 10 years ago
Police officers are £1,000s worse off than they were 10 years ago as a result of wages failing to keep pace with...
Chair talks about difficulties in defining trauma
Police officers need “proper and meaningful help” when they’re suffering from trauma, Cheshire Police Federation has...