The Police Federation has launched the annual Demand, capacity and welfare survey which is the only national survey which captures officers’ views on the demands and pressures they face day to day and gives a critical insight into the welfare of officers.
This year’s survey includes specific questions around policing the COVID-19 pandemic and will help us gather evidence and better understand the real impact the pandemic has had on officers.
What did the last survey achieve?
- National media coverage
- Referred to in numerous debates in Parliament
- Quoted by HRH Prince William
- Fed into the NPCC Officer Safety Review
- Helped support out national ‘Protect the Protectors’ Campaign leading to a change in legislation
- Provided vital evidence for our ‘Man Up, Man Down’ national Mental Health Campaign
- Included in the Police Covenant consultation.
The survey should take between 30-40 minutes to complete and will close on Monday 16 November. Access to the link can be obtained via your local Fed rep or the Federation office.
For those who have difficulties accessing the survey from their force network, they can forward the link to their personal email and complete the survey on a personal device.
There is also a video from chair John Apter
Other topics covered include resilience within the police service, the day-to-day demands facing officers and the stress and impact on their mental health and welfare.
PFEW National Vice Chair and Mental Health Lead Ché Donald said: “Over the last decade we have lost more than 20,000 officers, and although the Government’s recruitment drive is on track, it will take many years for the benefits to be felt. My exhausted colleagues are still buckling under an enormous amount of pressure which has been exacerbated as they continue policing the pandemic.”
More than 18,000 officers took part in the previous Demand, Capacity & Welfare Survey. This year PFEW hopes to see this number increase to over 20,000.
Mr Donald added: “We greatly appreciate members taking the time to support the service by filling in this survey, and the information provided will be used to inform our policy development and help us to support and represent colleagues.
“It is critical their voices are heard to keep people at the highest levels of policing informed of the reality of policing to build awareness, influence and most importantly initiate action and positive change for the greater good of our members.”
Members who have not received a link to the 2020 survey should contact their local Federation branch for further information.